Fire Safety Training
Fire Safety awareness
Who should attend
All staff from any employer is required to have suitable Fire safety training. This course is geared towards care, health, and education.
Course Outcomes
The attendees will come away with a greater knowledge of the dangers and effect of fire. After completing the course staff will know their role and responsibilities around fire safety. They will understand fire hazards and risk reduction.
· The law about fire in the workplace
· The 2005 Fire Safety regulatory reform orders
· The nature of fire, its causes and spread
· Assess the fire risk and hazard spotting
· Detection and warning
· Fire extinguishers
· Safe means of escape
· Emergency procedures
· Evacuation including lateral or internal evacuation
· Daily fire safety checks
The course is delivered over three hours. It is offered both face to face and via Zoom or MS teams.
The course can be delivered on site at your own premises.
The course has a limit of 16 attendees
Additional information
· The course can be adapted to include a demonstration of firefighting equipment.
· When delivered at your own premises it can include site specific training on hazard spotting and emergency procedures.
· If you have evacuation equipment available this can be included in the course by arrangement
· Although few care and education setting fall within the likely scope of the Grenfell Tower enquiry we will encompass these into the course as they are published.